
Whether it is things we see in nature, people who cross our path, or serendipitous “ah ha” moments, a contemplative mind and an open heart can bring small glimpses of the beauty, mystery, and wisdom that waits to be revealed and appreciated. This blog is dedicated to sharing personal glimpses that bring me grace, healing, hope and creativity. In sharing them, perhaps they will also help you embrace life’s changes with grace and hope.

Late Bloomer
Lisa Semmler Lisa Semmler

Late Bloomer

In early September, I purchased four large mums at a greenhouse nearby. Wanting to be sure that I was able to enjoy the blooms all through the fall, I sought out plants that were hearty green and had lots of buds but not yet open. While three of them opened as anticipated and brought beauty for September, October and into November, one of my mums had not opened.

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