
Here are some ways I can hold space for and help you connect with your own Inner Healer/Wisdom during the transitioning seasons of your life:

Counseling & Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” – Viktor Frankl

Whether it is having a safe place to share, assistance in uncovering and working through disturbing feelings, or helping reflect on old patterns or behaviors, counseling and hypnotherapy help us find and restore the beauty to what often brings us pain.

Spiritual Direction / Life Coaching

“When you embrace change you will begin to see it as an opportunity for growth.” – Jack Canfield

SeasonsChange can help you explore options and come up with a plan, goals, and action steps along you personal or spiritual journey. I can help you learn to integrate what is happening outwardly with what we know or experience to be true inwardly.

Sacred Passage End-of-Life Doula

The majority of Americans want to die at home.  Yet most don’t.  Is this because we don’t really have a choice?

As a Sacred Passage, End-of-Life Doula, I help people transitioning toward death by providing non-medical comfort and support in all domains of life: spiritual, emotional, relational, mental, and practical.  By facilitating important conversations about end of life, individuals and families are empowered to approach the end of their life without regret and with a greater sense of peace.   

Holotropic Breathwork

“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.” – Henri Bergson

Holotropic breathwork involves controlling and quickening breathing patterns mixed with evocative music and supportive physical and energetic presence to access your unconscious and influence your mental, emotional, and physical states. It is used both as a self-healing tool for emotional and relational distress and as a resource for expanding states of awareness and deeper spiritual transformation.

Candles with Flames

Ceremonial Services

“That, I think, is the power of ceremony. It marries the mundane to the sacred. The water turns to wine; the coffee to a prayer.” - Robin Wall Kimmerer

Personalized and meaningful ceremonies can bring healing, joy, hope, and peace to life transitions, No matter how religious or spiritual you may be, ritualizing is an important part of letting go and embracing the new. I honor where you are at and work with you to design services that are fitting and meaningful for many unique life events including:

  • Renewals of Vows

  • Weddings

  • Divorce Rituals

  • Life Review

  • Living Wakes

  • Death Vigils

  • Funerals, Memorials and Celebrations of Lifeof Life

  • Healing Rituals for Illness, Surgery, Trauma, or Loss

  • Grief Rituals

  • Forgiveness and Letting-Go Rituals

  • Miscarriage and Stillbirth Remembrances

Additional Educational Opportunities

Beyond the one-on-one work done with individuals and families, SeasonsChange offers a number of educational workshops/classes, retreats, and other group experiences throughout the year. Contact me for current and future offerings.

Looking for something else?

Are you going through one of life’s transitions and not sure exactly what you need? Feel free to reach out and let’s connect and make a plan that’s best for you.