
My Mission

As a counselor, spiritual coach, and sacred passage end-of-life doula, it is my mission to help facilitate spiritual and emotional healing, conscious living in the midst of change, and a more gentle passage from life. In addition to providing one-on-one emotional and spiritual support for individuals and families who are transitioning through major events in their or from one life to the next, I offer resources that helps people understand and make active choices about end-of-life and after-death care. Through “Best Three Months Life Coaching with individuals, families, and community/religious/medical organizations, I help others focus on what is most important in life in order to make prioritize their life accordingly.

Headshot of Lisa Semmler

Lisa Semmler, D Min., LPC

Certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator, Certified Conscious Dying Coach and Educator, Certified End-of-life Doula, and Certified Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist

Lisa has a Master of Divinity from Perkins School of Theology and a Doctor of Ministry degree in Pastoral Counseling and Psychotherapy through Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary and the Samaritan Counseling Center of Southeastern Michigan. She was ordained an elder in the United Methodist Church in 1993. and served as pastor in the local church for over twenty five years.

Completing her doctorate degree in 2006, in psychotherapy and pastoral counseling, Lisa has over twenty years of experience as a Pastoral Therapist and Professional Counselor (LPC, NCC, Fellow of AAPC). She is certified as an Advanced Heart-centered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holotropic Breathwork facilitator, M-braining Life Coach, Sacred Passage End-of-Life Doula, and Conscious Dying Coach and Educator.

Lisa’s extensive training, many years experience of supporting others through crisis and change, and personal journey of emotional healing, relational growth and spiritual transformation allows her to be empathetic, understanding, open to diversity and committed to honoring the autonomy of each person based on their own experience, beliefs and values. Furthermore, while she has many resources to support others in their journey of transformation, she believes that there is within each person his/her/their own “Inner Healer” and that it is her job to simply be the mid-wife to helping others give birth to renewed hope and direction in life.