Conscious Dying End-of-Life Doula Work

As a doula and coach, I am prepared to help individuals and families consider and then facilitate their wishes around the following:

  • Practices for physical and emotional grounding, balancing energy between self/others, and spiritual centeredness

  • Forgiveness practices

  • Embodiment: saying goodbye to the body; and considering what is needed in being able to let go peacefully end-of-life care, this includes emotional, spiritual and practical support, advance care planning, advocacy, navigating the health care system, after death care and funeral planning, as well as legacy work of expression and healing

  • Best Life Care Vision Map for Best/Last Three Months of Life

  • Grief, Anger Awareness and Release Practices

  • Religious or shamanic practices and rituals for Crossing Over and After-Life Care

  • Demystifying the stages of the dying process and understanding/planning for the death vigil

Believing in the value and importance of adhering to the Conscious Dying Principles, I support both the one who is dying and his/her loved ones by facilitating healthy communication and the making and carrying out of end-of-life decisions.


  • Before, During and After Life Doula Care, Coaching and Group Presentations

  • Best Three Months of Life Care Planning as Individual

  • Coach or Group Coach/Workshop Facilitator

  • Onsite In-home, Hospital, Nursing Home Visits

  • Guided Relaxation & Meditation/Breathwork Practices and other practices for physical and emotional grounding, balancing energy and “letting go” or surrender.

  • Sacred Vigil and Ritual
    Celebration of Life, Funerals, and other After Death Ceremonies

In addition to my experience as a counselor and as a pastor, I bring to this work my own experiences of learning to walk through the dark valleys of loss and of death in healthy ways and of becoming more conscious and reflective of my own death. This includes not only attention to my own healthy self-care and growth (spiritually, emotionally, relationally) but also navigating my own journey of grief at the death of close family members and an unexpected, unwanted divorce.

Through my certification training as an End-of-Life Coach/Sacred Passage Doula through the Conscious Dying Institute in Denver, Colorado, I put myself in the place of being the one who is dying. By doing so, I was able to both learn the important communication skills of providing sensitive care to others and to embody the experience of facing my own death. The practice of creating my own Vision Map for the Best/Last Three Months of Life helped me recognize the value of being conscious to one’s fears and avoidance of death so that important matters related to end-of-life and after-life care, unfinished emotional/relational business, and spiritual incongruence can be prioritized and addressed. Such a practice is not only important and valuable to those who are actively dying, but to all who want to become more aware, balanced and/or prioritizing of what is important to them in both life and death.


  • “This class was life-changing and it gave me the opportunity to prioritize my life and to learn to make the most of it until my last breath on this earth.”

    - Dawn Matzkows

  • “Best Three Months: Conscious Dying Care and Planning” made me think more deeply and practically as a pastor who offers pastoral care to persons facing end of life and hospice times. It also made me think more deeply about my own end of life plans and decisions.”

    - Rev. Jennifer J

  • “The Best Three Months class has been the most practically helpful class on grief and preparation for dying that I have taken.  Lisa Semmler is a gifted, clear and compassionate doula.  Her wisdom, wit and timing in presenting the topics and walking us through the exercises made each class come alive and full of meaning.  She was also available to help me with my personal work which helped me to make the most of the class.  I would highly recommend her as both teacher and doula. “

    - Rev. Dr. Patti Kenney

  • “I approached The Best Three Months: Conscious Dying Care and Planning with some trepidation.  My own demise is definitely not at the top of my "favorite subjects" list, but I'm so glad I signed up.  This class is as much about living as it is about dying and it covers some important subjects that I never would have thought to consider.  It helped me clarify what I really care about...and what I don't. Discussing the excellent presentations with the other participants gave me a peace of mind I didn't know I was missing.”

    - Elise N