Holotropic Breathwork Workshop

Friday & Saturday, October 25-26, 2024

Friday: 6-9 pm Saturday: 8:30 AM to 6 PM EST

615 Rugby View Place; Hendersonville, NC 28791

Through the use of one’s breath and powerfully evocative music, Holotropic Breathwork™ is sacred medicine for deep self-exploration as well as personal and collective healing and transformation. Breathers lie on a mat with eyes closed, listening to the music while engaged in deep, continuous, and accelerated breathing and being supported by a “sitter.” By doing so, the breathers enter an expanded state of consciousness, thereby accessing their own “inner healer” who guides the experience. Commonly reported experiences include the re-visiting of situations from the breather’s personal biography, pre-natal life, past lives and events within the collective consciousness, and other transpersonal and/or transcendental experiences. By re-visiting such experiences in the supportive container provided through the practice of Holotropic Breathwork, the “Inner healer” (Higher Consciousness/Higher Self/True Self) is able to bring forth insight, restore balance, and aid healing and growth from past trauma, relational discord, and/or spiritual disconnect. Powerful emotional and energetic releases are also commonly experienced as incredibly cathartic.

This workshop consists of an Opening Circle, Orientation Talk on the origins and practice of Holotropic Breathwork™, two 3-hour Holotropic Breathwork™ sessions (one as a breather/one as a sitter) with the option for additional Body Work at the breather’s request, Home-cooked dinner, mandala drawing, and a closing integration circle. Throughout the workshop, there is ample opportunity for making connections and experiencing both community and emotional support.

$200 (Early registration through October 10th)
$250 (Registration after October 10th) Includes a home-cooked dinner

Facilitators: Dr. Lisa Semmler & Ashley Wile


This workshop is open to new breathers, experienced breathers, those in the GTT Holotropic facilitator training or those interested in experiencing Holotropic Breathwork™. It is not recommended for those who are pregnant. Other contraindications include:

  1. Serious cardiovascular disorders: Uncontrolled hypertension, Aneurisms, History of Heart Attacks, Brain Hemorrhage, Myocarditis, Atrial fibrillation

  2. Pregnancy

  3. History of convulsive disorders

  4. History of retinal detachment

  5. Having an airborne contagious disease

  6. Psychogenic Asthma without proper medication

  7. Serious untreated Mental health issues including Psychotic or Bi-polar Disorders

What To Bring

Recommended Items:

  • Twin-size sheets, pillow, blankets, and/or whatever you need to be comfortable lying down for 3 hours or sitting for 3 hours.  The room is carpeted and there are single mattresses available.  It’s always nice to create your own personal space. If you are traveling by plane and unable to bring sheets or pillows, they will be provided

  • Your own sack lunch (refrigerator is available to store your lunch and keep your food cool) - dinner is provided

  • Wear comfortable clothing, layers for removing or adding 

Optional Items:

  • Any objects of spiritual/inspirational significance for the small altar 

  • Eyeshades/earplugs for light/sound sensitive people 

  • A water bottle if you want – water will be available 

  • A journal if you like to process by writing 

  • Stuffed animals and any comfort items 

Leave Behind:

  • Any strong scents (like perfume, strong deodorant etc.) 

  • Jewelry 

Schedule / Format

It is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY that all participants remain for the duration of the workshop.  This is for your own benefit as well as the group’s benefit.  Please arrive at least a few minutes early.  The format for the workshop in general is:

6:00 pm Friday through 6 pm Saturday

  • Opening Circle

  • Orientation session

  • 3-hour morning breathing session

  • Lunch

  • 3-hour afternoon breathing session 

  • Dinner (home-cooked dinner on Friday and lunch on Saturday is provided with registration) 

  • Integration Circle 

  • Closing
